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Projekt finansowany przez Islandię, Liechtenstein i Norwegię z Funduszy EOG

i Funduszy Norweskich w ramach Programu Aktywni Obywatele – Fundusz Regionalny.


Z sondażu i TOK FM, 20-23 marca 2023 wynika, że 44% osób w wieku 18-49 lat nie pójdzie na wybory parlamentarne. Chcemy to zmienić! 


Chcemy aby osoby dyskryminowane, których problemy są niewidzialne w polityce, poczuły, że wzięcie udziału w wyborach może realnie wpłynąć na sposób reprezentacji ich interesów w organach państwowych. 

Chcemy pokazać, w jaki sposób weryfikować informacje i zachęcić, aby osoby głosujące nie wybierały reprezentanta/tki wyłącznie na podstawie mainstreamowego przekazu medialnego, ale sprawdzała, kto z kandydujących będzie skutecznie dbał o sprawy ważne dla niej. 

Chcemy edukować, że każdy poprawnie oddany głos ma znaczenie. Pokazanie jednostce, że jest częścią społeczności, która również nie wie na kogo głosować, może wzbudzić poczucie przynależności a także odpowiedzialności i sprawczości - a przez to zachęcić do głosowania, nadać mu sens.

Don't know who to vote for on October 15?

Since June, we have been asking people about important topics that are still not talked about enough in the election campaign. Based on some 400 responses, we created questions for politicians to ask them during the pre-election debates and in our quiz. 

If you want to find out more about the opinions of the candidates and learn about other invisible topics of this election, take our quiz, which will identify a political figure from Pomerania who has views similar to yours. You can find it at

Compare the answers and find the best representation!

we will redirect you to our


It'll be better in my time

Chcemy powiedzieć, że

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Migrations in Poland

Thursday, August 31, 2023 19:00
FoodHall assembly plant
street Lisia Grobla 7, Gdańsk

This is the first event in a series of 5 debates during which:experts from civil society will confront politiciansregarding their agendas related to invisible issues in politics.
If we look at the electoral programs of the parties running in this year's parliamentary elections, we will see thatthere is virtually no mention of migration there.
This is the INVISIBLE topic of this election, and wewe want to find out what migration policy specific candidates are planning.
How to influence decent conditions in guarded centers for foreigners?
What about the education of children with refugee experience?
How to ensure the implementation of the labor rights of migrants?

We will ask representatives of Poland2050, KO, Confederation and the Left about these issues and many others.

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Sisterhood and reproductive rights

Thursday, September 7, 2023 19:00
"La Playa" restaurant at the pier in Brzeźno
Entrance to the beach 52, Gdańsk

The debate will concern the situation of reproductive rights in Poland. We want to ask politicians what they think about access to free menstrual products, reimbursement of the in vitro procedure, abortion law, access to contraception and the possibility of doctors invoking the conscience clause, as well as sexual education.

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Climate Crisis

The debate will concern the climate crisis in Poland.
We want to ask politicians what they think about the energy transformation, the embargo on fossil fuels from Russia, Polish biodiversity and the protection of Polish nature.

The following politicians will take part in the debate:
Anna Górska - New Left
Marcin Krzywkowski - Confederation
Wioleta Tomczak - The Third Way
Marek Weryszko - Greens, Civic Coalition
We are still waiting for confirmation of PiS representatives.

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Thursday, August 14, 2023 19:00
FoodHall assembly plant
street Lisia Grobla 7, Gdańsk

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Rights of minorities and excluded people

Thursday, October 5, 2023 19:00

Location to be confirmed


The debate will concern the situation and rights of minorities in Poland.
We will soon confirm the participants. Do you want to be up to date? Follow our social media:

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Education and mental health of children

The debate will concern mental health and education in Poland. Politicians from all parties, as well as representatives of civil society, will take part in the debate. We will soon confirm the participants.

Thursday, August 28, 2023 19:00
The Art of Choice,
street Juliusza Słowackiego 19, Gdańsk

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Możecie nas spotkać w szkołach
i na uczelniach!

  1. 04.09.2023 Wydział Prawa i Administracji na Uniwersytecie Gdańskim

  2. 12.09.2023 r. Wydział Nauk Społecznych na Uniwersytecie Gdańskim

  3. 10.10.2023 r. Wydział Architektoniczny na Politechnice Gdańskiej

  4. 13.10.2023 r. SWPS w Sopocie

  5. 8.01.2024 r. Liceum Ogólnokształcące na Zaspie

Edukujemy o systemie głosowania i zachęcamy do wypełniania naszego quizu!

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